Paper Roll Saw
The paper Roll saw offers a cost-effective way to salvage damaged rolls, for example rolls damaged during handling or rolls with an ”Elephant foot”. These types of rolls cannot be rewound unless the damaged part has been removed. As most of the roll can be reused after cutting, the roll saw can offer a very short payback.
The Paper Roll Saw is also used for cutting rolls which otherwise are too wide for the rewinder, roll splitter or converting machines.
Also with loading device, lifting the roll from floor level into the roll saw.

Damaged rolls
salvage damaged rolls (elephant foot)

Split wide rolls
Use the Roll saw to splitt rolls that are to wide to use in your production

Rolls up to 7 meters
Available in different widths: 3.5 m, 4.5 m and 7.0 m.
Manufactured and assembled in Sweden
To achieve high quality machines we manufacture most of the mechanical parts at PIVAB. We assemble the machine in our factory and test every machine before shipping to customer.